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2nd GP Event

2024 Rwabushenyi Memorial Chess Championship JUNIORS

Last update 05.12.2024 08:18:34, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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Starting rank

1Ahereza, Mark10031405UGA1789
2Ruel, Christian652946FRA1751
3Sempijja, George10036458UGA1555
4Mwesigwa, Faith10033696UGA1494
5Aine, Atubet10015442UGA1485
6Talia, Atubet10015450UGA1473
7Tumukunde, Trevor10037675UGA1473
8Uwumugisha, Shayne Aaron10028277UGA1473
9Devansh, Sachin Trivedi10022201UGA1462
10Ninsiima, Patricia10045651UGA1453
11Jethro, Mawejje Mulungi10018050UGA1434
12Adiku, Hamisi10035389UGA0
13Alessi, Precious HopeUGA0
14Andinda, Alvin10035435UGA0
15Atulinda, Isabella Majorine10022147UGA0
16Bodalikar, Shivishwar10844813KEN0
17Byamugisha, Bob10051953UGA0
18Kalule, Mazima Kasule10031472UGA0
19Mbanza, Jemimah10041184UGA0
20Mulungi, Ruel10057196UGA0
21Odel, EdwinUGA0
22Owomugisha, Gabriella10033521UGA0
23Rhizon, Turebe10022724UGA0
24Tumusiime, Elvis10035621UGA0
25Turyatemba, SilianUGA0