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Final de las Paradas Valle del Cauca Sub 08 Femenino

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.12.2024 19:06:37, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

4Villada Ocampo, Emily Taliana144434057VAL1424Jamundi
6Gallego Rodriguez, SalomeVAL1401Cali
5Velasquez Serna, Arianna144447825VAL1400Restrepo
3Navia Duque, Valentina144443854VAL1334Jamundi
1Cruz, JuanitaVAL0El Cerrito
7Vargas, AntoniaVAL0Cali
2Zuniga Gil, Maria CamilaVAL0Candelaria