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Final de las Paradas Valle del Cauca Sub 08 Masculino

Last update 04.12.2024 18:23:06, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

3Palacio Salazar, Nicolas144437439VAL1439Cali
1Brinez Moreno, Cristopher144435304VAL1400Palmira
5Coronel Trujillo, Andres Julian144437358VAL1400Cali
9Navarro Espana, Jacobo144446900VAL1388Restrepo
2Alonso Ruiz, Ian Alejandro144449895VAL1366Cali
8Cruz Lopez, GustavoVAL0El Cerrito
4Montiel, MathiasVAL0El Cerrito
7Mora Arenas, NicolasVAL0Cali
10Morales Silva, Erick SantiagoVAL0Buga
6Ramirez Espinosa, NicolasVAL0Cali