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2ο Χειμερινότατο Open Blitz ΠΟΣ - Κυριακή 8 Δεκεμβρίου 18:00!

Last update 04.12.2024 20:20:18, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Alexakis, Georgios4255038GRE2096
2Tzortzatos, Dimosthenis Panagiot25827715GRE2040
3Asvestopoulos, Christos Dominikos4215869GRE1930
4Pitsakis, Ilias42104190GRE1899
5Trapalis, Theodoros25854690GRE1790
6Papadopoulos, Dimitrios Ath4280733GRE1711
7Papadopoulou, Marilena25835971GRE1682
8Bichakis, Ioannis25830074GRE1610
9Floros, Spyridon K42114675GRE1494
10Ieromonachos, Georgios42104661GRE1461
11Ieromonachos, Dimitrios Nektarios42104653GRE1434