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Last update 02.12.2024 18:09:44, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Kamran Maddani (Ostan Markazi)

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Starting rank

1Saeedi, Saeed12508381IRI2119
2Saeedi, Reza12502731IRI1877
3Borji, Parham22566210IRI1795
4Kosari, Sarina36775916IRI1772
5Ghadiri, Sina42543185IRI1725
6Saeidi, Shahrokh42540275IRI1646
7Ghalei, Artin42766249IRI1512
8Khademi Araghi, Sheragim42766265IRI1508
9Mahdavi, Mani32775237IRI1483
10Mirzaei, Arsen428075145IRI0