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Last update 02.12.2024 21:08:23, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

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Starting rank list

1Alice, DahmerBRA07A
2Anna, Luiza TeixeiraBRA06C
3Davi, Miguel Chimello GuardaBRA06C
4Gabriela, SoaresBRA07A
5Giuseppe, Luiz De BortoliBRA07D
6Helena, Hintz RadtkeBRA06A
7Heloisa, Helena SilveiraBRA06B
8Henrique, MarafonBRA07D
9Isabela, CoproskiBRA06B
10Isabelly, Tavares TheodoroBRA07C
11João, Eduardo Amadori DanielBRA07A
12José, Henrique Scherer BertolettiBRA06C
13Julia, Justino De MatosBRA07B
14Leonardo, LaraBRA07B
15Letícia, Weirich PimentelBRA07A
16Lorenzo, Pietro De Lima GalvãoBRA07D
17Lorenzo, Santin WeberBRA07A
18Lorenzo, Schons ArantesBRA07A
19Maria, AngelinaBRA07A
20Mauro, Lourenço Ferreira NetoBRA07C
21Mylena, Paz BayerlBRA06A
22Natalie, DornellasBRA07B
23Pedro, Gabriel Magalhães DreherBRA07B
24Rafaella, ScorsattoBRA07C
25Valkiria, Scheid De CamargoBRA07A
26Vinicius, BaldinBRA06B
27Vitoria, BiavattiBRA07D