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Pairings are ready!

Budapest One Short Week GM-B

Darrera actualització20.12.2024 15:01:33, Creador/Darrera càrrega: kristof.deli

Llista del rànquing inicial

8GMPopovic, Dusan927031SRB2485
9IMTzidkiya, Yeshaayahu2824493ISR2463
2GMKraus, Tomas331708CZE2447
10IMJuhasz, Agoston778346HUN2426
3GMPap, Misa921610SRB2419
1IMSai, Krishna G V5028280CAN2409
7Liu, Zexu8605963CHN2350
6FMGolis, Wiktor21055874POL2313
4FMBodi, Tibor701084HUN2310
5IMManish, Anto Cristiano F25095927IND2296