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Blitz Maraton Bucurestean V (Sâmbătă 07 decembrie, ora 15.00)

Last update 04.12.2024 21:22:19, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 58)

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Starting rank list

1FMPatrascu, Catalin-Lucian1229052ROU2173Cs Universitar De Sah Bucuresti
2CMCoicev, Matei-Andrei1279688ROU2082Cs Dinamo Bucuresti
3IBusuioc, Stelian-Marian1253018ROU2029Cs Alcor Bucuresti
4IDanila, Tudor-Gabriel1274244ROU1990Cs Universitar De Sah Bucuresti
5IPrelipcean, Eric-Matei1263269ROU1932Cs Universitar De Sah Bucuresti
6IIGrigoras, Alexandru-Nicolae42200490ROU1906Cs Universitar Ploiesti
7WCMBatagan, Ilinca-Petra1261002ROU1899wCsu Universitatea De Vest Timisoara
8ISementov, Andrei1248391ROU1811Acs Master Mind Bucuresti
9IDancanet, Vlad1217712ROU1791Acs Oxygen
10IGherghe, David42242959ROU1752Acs Oxygen
11IGeafer, Andrei-Ninel1250264ROU1751Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucuresti
12IGroapa, Aurelian1253220ROU1744Cs Cimentul Bicaz
13IFrent-Lung, Gheorghe1272284ROU1742S60Cs Dinamo Bucuresti
14FMGeorgescu, Gabriel-Ioan1203380ROU1732S60Clubul Central De Sah Bucuresti
15IVladescu, Ovidiu-Viorel1213555ROU1674Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucuresti
16IIVafiadis, Catalin-Gabriel42212391ROU1673Asc Daco-Getica Bucuresti
17IIGrasu, Gigi1286595ROU1665Asc Daco-Getica Bucuresti
18IIStan, Matei42230179ROU1662Cs Universitar De Sah Bucuresti
19IIBunda, Daniel1242644ROU1661Cs Alcor Bucuresti
20IIIvan, Daniel42207487ROU1495Acs Oxygen
21FCGherasim, DavidROU701Cs Gambitul Damei Ploiesti
22FCGherasim, EmelinROU701wCs Gambitul Damei Ploiesti