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Highest Rating taken for pairings purposes, between CFC Quick and FIDE Rapid.

Toronto Chess Centre 2nd Rapid & Social

Last update 02.12.2024 09:30:04, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 34)

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Starting rank list

1Peckford, Bill1123872601141CAN2205
2Zhang, Daniel1633122637820CAN2086
3Lazarev, Shon1676272636999CAN2012
4Mammadov, Nihad18977013456210AZE1911
5Fang, Ming1074982662752CAN1715
6Katz, Lyam1793022663180CAN1664
7Mirza Hessabi, Reza1869152661160CAN1657
8Whiteford, Jayson1832212652471CAN1625