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تقام البطولة بمقر أكاديمية ماي تشيس
بمدينة فاقوس محافظة الشرقية

My Chess Academy
Yasser Abdullhaq

MCA 10th RoundRobin Dec24

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.12.2024 03:17:56, Creator/Last Upload: Yasser Abdullhaq 10690921

Tabela po 1 rundzie

M-sceNazwiskoRgFed1234567891011 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
1Rayan, Mohamed1672EGY*1101
Salem, Mohamed M1816EGY*1101
3Agami, Mohamed0EGY*1100
Darwish, Mohamed0EGY*1100
Akal, Hassan0EGY*1100
6Mahmoud, Sameh0EGY0*001
Aly Farahan, Salah1882EGY0*001
Elshabrawy, Elsayed1611EGY0*001
9AFMAbdullhaq, Yasser1878EGY*000
Mansy, Ahmed0EGY0*000
Attia, Abd Elkader0EGY0*000

TB 1: points (game-points)
TB 2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
TB 3: Most black