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4º Torneio de Xadrez ESSeia

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.12.2024 09:26:19, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 59)

Search for player Szukanie

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1Cabete, Manuel19662601844ES Seia
2Clark, Alfred19851591566EGC Carvalho
3Buyarskyy, Pavlo19662511429ES Seia
4Clark, Florence19795311412wEGC Carvalho
5Saraiva, Alexandre1357ES Seia
6Seabra, Tomás19700541339EGC Carvalho
7Meireles, João1331ES Seia
8Buyarskyy, Ivan19662431330ES Seia
9Guerreiro, Lyotard19708521330EGC Carvalho
10Matias, Rómulo1230ES Seia
11Lopes, Tomás1190ES Seia
12Hanwright, Emily1126wEGC Carvalho
13Cardoso, João1097ES Seia
14Santos, Martim1064ES Seia
15Silva, David1052ES Seia
16Andrade, Tomás0ES Seia
17Castro, Aaron0EB Dr Abranches Ferrão
18Costa, Afonso0ES Seia
19Costa, José0ES Seia
20Costa, José Pedro0EB Tourais
21Fernandes, Patricia0wEB Tourais
22Gouveia, Leandro0EB Tourais
23Hanwright, Victor0EB Ponte 3 Entradas
24Loureiro, Guilherme0ES Seia
25Marok, Sunraj0EGC Carvalho
26Marques, Duarte0EB Tourais
27Martins, Gabriel0ES Seia
28Mendes, Rúben0ES Seia
29Mota, Santiago0ES Seia
30Pereira, Gabriel0EB Tourais
31Quintas, Noa0wEB Dr Abranches Ferrão
32Rodrigues, Gonçalo0ES Seia
33Salgado, Leandro0ES Seia
34Santos, Gabriel0ES Seia
35Santos, Tiago0ES Seia
36Sequeira, Maria Francisca0wEB Tourais
37Souza, Sophia0wEB Tourais