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CD Feminino Semirrápidas da AXDB 2024/2025

Last update 01.12.2024 19:13:19, Creator/Last Upload: Nuno_Andrade

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1WFMSilva, Ana Inês Teixeira Da1932543POR1909Cx A2d
2WFMSilva, Mariana Sofia Teixeira Da1911899POR1880Vitória Sc
3WNMSoares, Sara Joana De Moura Pereira Me1948172POR1794Vitória Sc
4Braga, Inês De Sousa1982028POR1621Adc Perre
5Osorio Garcia, Luisa Anthonella144420820COL1404Adc Perre
6Félix, Inês MartinsPOR0Adcca
7Machado, Catarina Filipa CruzPOR0Adcca
8Mendes, Eva Muriel Nunes Gonçalves MarPOR0Adc Perre
9Paiva, Carolina FerreiraPOR0Adcca
10Paiva, Petra FerreiraPOR0Adcca
11Pereira, Mariana SilvaPOR0Adcca