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Eswatini Open 2024 Blitz

Last update 01.12.2024 16:38:31, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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Starting rank

1IMBwalya, Gillan8700257ZAM2348
2FMMhango, Banele14327040RSA2248
3CMKhumalo, Keith14319470RSA2164
4CMNapoleao, Lourenco14801302MOZ1949
5Tsephe, Lebajoa21302197LES1930
6CMJoao, Farisse14800730MOZ1884
7Rafael, Chirinza14800764MOZ1867
8Karabo, Mokete21303622LES1865
9CMSihlongonyane, Sikhanyiso20700784SWZ1841
10Bokang, Motsamai21301441LES1795
11Magagule, Senzo Frederico14802287MOZ1795
12Khalema, Sechaba14317176LES1759
13Malinga, Lunga20701675SWZ1751
14George, Mahommed21302898LES1729
15CMJoang, Molapo21300380LES1700
16Kananelo, Nkalimeng21302855LES1627
17Boitumelo, Sethabathaba21302782LES1562
18Ramakabane, Refuoe14317311LES1556
19Mathonsi, Innocent14341093RSA0
20Phiri, AllieSWZ0
21Ntsielo, Bonolo21301921LES1781