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Gens Una Sumus December U12 2024

Last update 01.12.2024 17:49:38, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Starting rank

1Stokes, Joseph2527880IRL1824
2Andhurthi, Sreeyan2523531IRL1755
3Kelbas, Dariy34160515UKR1714
4Sammon Fernandes, Kyle-Henrique2523159IRL1650
5Biswal, Saiansh2518155IRL1639
6Palihawadana, Aken Pinitha29982847IRL1600
7Nazarov, Mykhailo2529408IRL1598
8White, George2520354IRL1587
9Kumar, Adhvik2525917IRL1562
10Khrushch, Artem2524821IRL1559
11White, Nicole2520362IRL1556
12Siruk, Danyil2528584IRL1527
13Senthilnathan, Chirag2531810IRL1482
14Elioutin, Daniel Afanasiev2532174IRL1464
15Elioutin, Michael Afanasiev2532182IRL1461
16Maddu, Khushi2531720IRL1433
17O'Brien, Owen2534088IRL1373
18Rudroju, Aarav1372
19Catacutan, Lauren2529866IRL1371
20Boby, Angel Mariya1360
21Sharma, Eva2534665IRL1352
22Kejriwal, Prisha1134
23Beetun, BlakeIRL500
24Amrolan, Jayden0
25Bharadwaj, Aarvi2532824IRL0
26Boby, Aiden Thomas0
27Gurijala, Shanaya0
28Hynes, Sean0
29Jaiganesh, Saicharan0
30Kruszyna, Nataniel0
31Li, Matt2534410IRL0
32Lin, Eric Yuze0
33McGrail, MaxIRL0
34Patil, Kaivalya0
35Prabaharan, Sanjith Durkesh0
36Qiao, Jingxuan0
37Toolan, Rossa Donovan0