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Gens Una Sumus December U18 2024

Last update 01.12.2024 19:30:05, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Starting rank list

1Braine, Harry2518570IRL1902a
2Bartczak, Korneliusz2523558IRL1831b
3Woods, Christopher2518201IRL1807a
4Crothers, Toby25278041802a
5Rai, Oleksii25315261770a
6O'Brien, James Joseph25188131755b
7Kesare, Aarav2518848IRL1737a
8Cummins, Finn2525780IRL1719a
9Doolin, Nemhain2517230IRL1682b
10Huang, Kevin2525879IRL1595a
11Prakash, Abhinav25326381563a
12Pesca, Sean1553a
13Shankar, Ronith2523329IRL1547b
14Ye, Zhanting25332351526a
15Doolin, Bedhbh2517221IRL1508b
16Zhang, Quintus25334721494b
17Panunzio, Jacopo2519968IRL1493a
18Galvin, Sebastian25314291485a
19Jain, Arsh2526794IRL1482a
20O'Brien, Reuben25144941448b
21Loison, Pearse25307911354a
22Barrett, Eric1026a
23Asthana, AhanIRL1000b
24Catacutan, Elijah Patrick2522365IRL664b
25Moharil, RishabhIRL600b
26Bibin, Eldho2522560IRL402b
27Diaconu, Lucas400b
28Bhushan, Addhrit0b
29Bhushan, Adhiraj0b
30Carrara, Nicolas Pasich0a
31Fraczyk, Damian0a
32Ignataviciute, Rugile0b
33Maniraj, Shasini0b
34McPolin, FergalIRL0b
35Patra, Joysmit0a
36Stynes, Ronan0b
37Tang, Hezhang0b
38Tang, Ziren25344600b