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Bojanala's Merry Chess-Mas 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.12.2024 07:56:10, Creator/Last Upload: Lincohn September

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1Gounder, RowanRSA1907
2Price, DaelenRSA1894
3Tak, RannveerRSA1747
4Vorster, StephanusRSA1741
5ACMMyburgh, ZandreRSA1717
6Mann, Iowan "Simpson 2.0"RSA1666
7Dikobe, Goabaone KhumoRSA1598
8Goncalves, EmilioRSA1596
9Kruger, Thinus "The Real Thanos"RSA1570
10ACMBotha, Johannes "The Grafter"RSA1567
11Tak, AbeerRSA1554
12Monteiro Correia, MayaRSA1521
13Terblanche, Johann "The Rectifier"RSA1514
14Motau, NeeloRSA1499
15Khoza, JosephRSA1466
16De Jager, LuadoRSA1450
17Rakubutu, PabatsoRSA1422
18Monamatha, DitebohoRSA1410
19Monare, OreratileRSA1396
20Mann, LeaneRSA1376
21Nel, J-LincolnRSA1366
22De Jager, LuanRSA1356
23Mokoena, ThatoRSA1345
24Terblanche, BernardRSA1330
25Myburgh, BraydanRSA1320
26Brumskine, WillowRSA1317
27Monare, Mr. Yes! Yes! Yes!14376946RSA1316
28Monamatha, OreabetseRSA1313
29Du Toit, AidenRSA1312
30Legotlo, PhenyoRSA1298
31Monare, OratilweRSA1286
32Diphoko, PhitlhelloRSA1268
33Smit, HesmiaRSA1253
34Segalo, OgoneRSA1235
35Botha, Erasmus "The Hunter"RSA1233
36Venter, RuahRSA1229
37Botha, LukasRSA1226
38Diphoko, PelonomiRSA1215
39Moloi, ThapeloRSA1208
40Timbe, JuniorRSA1181
41Botha, WianRSA1175
42Du Toit, Willem GertRSA1159
43Vlok, ArmandRSA1121
44Schutte, AidenRSA1070
45Zwane, KoketsoRSA929
46Du Preez, LukasRSA0
47Tsododo, BronwynRSA0