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Apex Chess Academy_Open Blitz_

Last update 01.12.2024 12:50:15, Creator/Last Upload: Tirthchessclub

Starting rank list of players

2Ujjawal, Bansal25918591IND1779
7Patel, Suyogkumar M45038600IND1698
10Rana, Nivid33422141IND1651
8Rana, Apoorvakumar25692399IND1604
6Viaan, Samir Makhani33463247IND1576
1Godhani, Maharth25641093IND1568
9Mistry, Dhruv25670344IND1561
4Dev, Rishit Shah33491739IND1518
3Bajania, Tejaskumar531075665IND0