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Global Intra Chess Competition 2024

Last update 01.12.2024 04:50:39, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Dawadi, PrawishaNEP1571
2Baral, RidamNEP1400
3Bhandari, AashishNEP1400
4Bhattarai, DenishNEP1400
5Bhattarai, Samrat RajNEP1400
6Chaulagain, ShreeyansNEP1400
7Dahal, AaravNEP1400
8Dawadi, MaheshNEP1400
9Dhimal, ManjilNEP1400
10Dhungana, AnugyaNEP1400
11Ghimire, KushalNEP1400
12Ghimire, OshanNEP1400
13Gurung, BivanNEP1400
14Karki, DikshyantNEP1400
15Karki, PranjalNEP1400
16Khatri, UjjwalNEP1400
17Pokhrel, SauravNEP1400
18Rai, SayahangNEP1400
19Rai, siddhantNEP1400
20Rijal, MishkaNEP1400
21Sitaula, AvinavNEP1400
22Thakur, JenishNEP1400