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Liga Chessland Academy 2024-2025 Torneo 01/12/2024

Վերջին արդիացում01.12.2024 19:52:37, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Contreras Cardona, Alfredo Ignacio1830
2Saavedra Tapia, Jesus Alexander1736
3Macias Gonzalez, Luis Mariano1711
4Tuk Martin, Dana Katherine1686
5Salazar Flores, Carlos Mateo1644
6Lopez Virgen, Rolando Matias1603
7Arellano Orozco, German1585
8Carrillo Lopez, Thiago Andre1486
9Figueroa Lepe, Daniela1449
10Perez Perez, Matias1444
11Solis Zaragoza, Jesus Heriberto1400
12Obledo Anaya, Matteo1391
13Molina Hernandez, Angel David1346
14Lopez Ortiz, Alan Emanuel1322
15Saavedra Tapia, Emily Natalia1200