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Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Blitz Copa CANTV Sub-8 Absoluto

Last update 01.12.2024 21:36:19, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Linares Gonzalez, Jenderson Ismael23902078VEN1557TRU
2Giron Mata, Noah Matias3988490VEN1479MIR
3Rodriguez Meza, Natalia Victoria3997456VEN1473BAR
4Blanco Viera, DanianyelyVEN0BAR
5Blanco Viera, Sebastian Alejandro23905930VEN0BAR
6Cacharuco Martinez, Carlis23902892VEN0ANZ
7Carrasquel Delgado, Sebastian Alonso23919957VEN0ARA
8Conde Castillo, Ian Joshua23906588VEN0MIR
9Contreras Romero, Emely Antonella23915137VEN0DCA
10Diaz Castillo, Ketzaly Sinai23900466VEN0BAR
11Espana Leal, Jesus Aurelio23915633VEN0BAR
12Gonzalez Castillo, Michelangelo Ramses23906316VEN0POR
13Gonzalez Hernandez, Annabella Fabiana23914181VEN0ARA
14Gonzalez Quintero, Elias Ricardo23921080VEN0MIR
15Guanipa Ramirez, Jimena Victoria23918780VEN0FAL
16Hoyos Rodriguez, Mateo Andres23915641VEN0BAR
17Liu Bello, Ziwen Giuseppe23908211VEN0DCA
18Mecerreyes Marquez, Mariano David23920017VEN0POR
19Mena Rodriguez, Maria Victoria3997367VEN0BAR
20Pajaro Ortiz, Daniel Alejandro23909927VEN0DCA
21Palacios Pena, Jeremias Daniel3998703VEN0LAR
22Rodrigues Parica, Jean Felipe23915102VEN0DCA
23Szemat Greco, Ricardo VicenteVEN0MIR
24Zuniga Arias, Angelica Sofia23906189VEN0ZUL