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Queen's 12

Last update 01.12.2024 10:56:05, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1AFMJang, Seojun13216520KOR1764
2Park, Kun13209833KOR1751
3Han, Giuk13213032KOR1738
4Kim, Minjae13212397KOR1715
5Lee, Donghyun C13220632KOR1669
6Kim, Junesun31001661GUM1604
7Jeong, Woojin13226029KOR1591
8Son, Sanghyun13226177KOR1573
9Han, Jaejun13224000KOR1559
10Yang, Heewon13200640KOR1556
11Lee, Juhwan13223887KOR1546
12Lee, Juyeop13221825KOR1453
13Lee, Kangin13223810KOR1417
14Seo, Yerin13226258KOR1410
15AFMLho, Yoojun13225685KOR0
16Choi, Mingyu13223658KOR0
17Jang, Yunseo13216538KOR0
18Jeong, Eunchae13217810KOR0
19Kim, Choi13220896KOR0
20Kim, Dongyeop13229737KOR0
21Kim, Jungha13229621KOR0
22Kim, Seyul13229940KOR0
23Koo, Seungmo13229729KOR0
24Lee, Dummim13229052KOR0
25Lho, Shinyoung13225545KOR0
26Shin, Junho13230123KOR0
27Sung, Jiyul13230069KOR0
28Yang, Junseo13221833KOR0