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2024 Governors Blitz Challenge

Last update 30.11.2024 23:14:56, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1IMHusbands, OrlandoBAR2211
2Lynch, KempBAR1990
3Greenidge, KevinBAR1987
4Herbert, AllanBAR1854
5White, ChrisENG1853
6Parsons, JustinBAR1816
7Lowe, MarkBAR1762
8Thompson, BorisBAR1715
9Wilson, LouisBAR1684
10Browne, StephenBAR1662
11Wijnhof, StephanBAR1658
12Roachford, AdamBAR1645
13Clarke, NoahBAR1640
14Jaikaran, AaronBAR1639
15Little, SavionBAR1630
16La Touche, CyprianBAR1626
17Farley, JeremiahBAR1597
18Blackett, AmariBAR1594
19Eversley, KiarraBAR1574
20Stuart, CharisBAR1531
21Sinckler, MilekeBAR1521
22Reifer-Belle, ChazBAR1513
23Springer, LeshayBAR1462
24Brathwaite, DominicBAR1455
25Layson, JacobBAR1438
26Sparman, AlfredBAR1437
27Gibson, EdenBAR1414
28Barker, AydaanBAR0
29Gaskin, DominiBAR0
30Howell, JaydenBAR0
31Neil, LiamBAR0
32Shepherd, HarryBAR0
33Tash, AaronBAR0
34Tash-Turton, AndrewBAR0