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Domingo 1ro. de diciembre, hora 10
Inscripciones e informes: Cel 099 505 110 -

Torneo de Ajedrez Infantil y Juvenil - La Proa - Escuela Nro. 268 - Sub 10

Last update 01.12.2024 17:41:26, Creator/Last Upload: AF Alfonso Figueroa

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Starting rank list

1Lozano, Leandro302298615410
2Almeida, Thiago000
3Arrieta, Federico302166100
4Benitez, Elias000Progreso
5Boragno, Agustin000
6Castiglione, Guadalupe000w
7Delgado, Mauro302844500Solis De Pando
8Deutsch, Belen302892500wLa Proa
9Diaz, Santiago302672800La Proa
10Estoyanoff, Lorenzo302140800La Proa
11Fodere, Rafael302901800La Proa
12Garcia, Juan000
13Hercher, Emilio302898400La Proa
14Manzur, Guadalupe302671000wLa Proa
15Martinez, Lorenzo303238800La Costa
16Moreno, Manuela301815600wLa Proa
17Oyenard, Bautista301920900
18Paipo, Sebastian000
19Paredes, Natasha000w
20Perez, Agustina302874700wLa Proa
21Perez, Lorenzo000Progreso
22Quintanilla, Juan000
23Rocha, Ramiro000
24Rodriguez, Catalina302878000wLa Proa
25Russo, Bautista000
26Santin, Lorenzo000
27Scotti, Emilia000w
28Soca, Giuliana000w
29Tabarez, Lorenzo301985300La Proa
30Tachini, Benjamin000
31Velazco, Bautista000
32Wanseele, Joaquin000