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Juegos municipales TAXCO CONADE 2025 - SUB 12 VAR

Posledná aktualizácia 30.11.2024 19:26:22, Creator/Last Upload: JAGCARMONA

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Štartová listina

1Landa Carrillo, Adriel5197970MEX1720Silver Caissa Chess Club
2Carbajal Mota, Luis AdrianMEX0.925 Club de Ajedrez
3Diaz Hernandez, NahinMEX0
4Fuentes Juárez, MateoMEX0.925 Club de Ajedrez
5Guadarrama Landa, Giovanni YairMEX0Silver Caissa Chess Club
6Martínez Lagunas, Christian LeonardoMEX0Silver Caissa Chess Club
7Viveros Aguilar, Alonso RafaelMEX0.925 Club de Ajedrez