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Torneo Navideño Ajedrez Mexicano Secundaria - Preparatoria

Last update 30.11.2024 20:23:20, Creator/Last Upload: Gloria Gallegos

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1Bernal Macario, BrianaMEX0Triana
2de Luna Baca, Ana ReginaMEX0Triana
3Delgado Soledad, José RobertoMEX0ECA
4Delgado Soledad, Luis JavierMEX0ECA
5Fonseca Arellano, Luis MateoMEX0Bosques
6Guerra Delgadillo, Javier RicardoMEX0Cumbres
7Jiménez López, AndreaMEX0Triana
8Jiménez López, DanielMEX0Encino
9Martínez Quiñones, MarianaMEX0Triana
10Padilla Peredo, RaúlMEX0Encino
11Serna Chacas, Gustavo AlejandroMEX0Encino