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Last update 01.12.2024 11:53:28, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

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Starting rank list

1Papou, Illia13528980BLR17641800
2Shkred, Timofei13535501BLR15601800
3Timoh, Gleb13537555BLR14561600
4Golubev, Ilya13531301BLR14511800
5Semenets, Timofei13529935BLR14311600
6Feranets, Sofi13531140BLR01800w
7Andrukhovich, DzmitryBLR01600
8Kruchko, Ilia13531360BLR01600
9Bubiha, ZakharBLR01200
10Halavach, ViktarBLR01200
11Kaspiarovich, MaximBLR01200
12Makarevich, DaniilBLR01200
13Yakavitskaya, ValeryaBLR01200w
14Kalinouski, DzmitryBLR01000