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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Only Karur District Players can particiapte in this Tournament
Open Blitz-Top 10 Players will get Rs.5000 Cash Award
Children 30 Trophies : Boys 5 & Girls 5 Trophies in Under 10,12,15 Categories
All Players will get Certificates & Medals
Contact Organizer : Manigandan R (9976789573)

02 FEB 2025👑SMART CHESS ACADEMY-Karur District OPEN BLITZ CHESS Tmt @3pm ,5000 Cash Prize,Children 30 Trophies,All Medals,Call:9976789573(Manigandan R)

اخر تحديث23.01.2025 13:00:40, منشئ/آخر رفع: Manigandan R

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