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Victory Day International Open Chess Tournament 2024.
Venue: Dak Bhaban, Plot-E-13/A, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
Registration Link:
Entry Fee:
GM, IM, WIM, FM, WFM & Rating 2200+ - Free
Rating: 2000 to 2199 - 300 Tk
Rating: 1400 to 1999 - 500 Tk
Non Rated - 700 Tk
School Student - 300 TK
Contact: 01711853133 (Bkash)

Victory Day International Open Chess Tournament-2024

Last update 04.12.2024 15:44:49, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Playing schedule

12024/12/133:00 PM
22024/12/143:00 PM
32024/12/153:00 PM
42024/12/163:00 PM
52024/12/173:00 PM
62024/12/183:00 PM
72024/12/193:00 PM
82024/12/203:00 PM
92024/12/213:00 PM