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Liga Catur JMCC - RL Chess KU-17

Posledná aktualizácia 01.12.2024 09:39:17, Creator/Last Upload: mppindo

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Steven Tan,INA2381
2Thoriq Fauzan Robbani,INA2183
3Raditra Siddiq Zulhilmi,INA2164
4Sayyid, Musyafa YusufINA2094
5Raphael, Tyophilus AlgrendINA2073
6Irene, RumirisINA2055
7Karsten, Hans PolimINA2019
8Rubbel, IndirejaINA2000
9Emily, Christy (Torney Chess)INA1977
10Evan, Hotasi SitorusINA1974
11Christopher, Vincentius KurniawanINA1970
12Gabriel, Boy Ambarita (Torney Chess)INA1828