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2024 Botash Youth Chess Championship Under 18 Boys and Girls

Last update 01.12.2024 08:00:41, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Badi, RichardBOT0
2Bakwinya, AronaBOT0
3Dikinya, MarekaBOT0
4Fidzani, Ame AtangBOT0
5Gambule, BugaloBOT0
6Game, KingBOT0
7Huanga, VipuaBOT0
8Kalankane, WadeBOT0
9Kenalewame, PowelBOT0
10Kgosimore, Teto OsegoBOT0
11Manatsha, ThoboBOT0
12Maseko, LungileBOT0
13Moalosi, LefaBOT0
14Mogwera, OmmatlaBOT0
15Moilwa, OtsileBOT0
16Mokgathi, TheoBOT0
17Mothokothedi, MereroBOT0
18Nchini, SharonBOT0
19Pelaelo, GosegoBOT0
20Pelaelo, ObakengBOT0
21Phemelo, LelentleBOT0
22Phokoje, MosetsanagapeBOT0
23Rammidi, AbaleBOT0
24Ranku, RorisangBOT0
25Rankwane, Clayton KeagetsweBOT0
26Rankwane, Cleopatra KeaobakaBOT0
27Rankwe, PostigaBOT0
28Sebangane, AmolemoBOT0
29Segaise, LoaboBOT0
30Senwelo, ThategoBOT0
31Thabano, MiaBOT0
32Goememang, AbednicoBOT0
33Maswimbo, BoineloBOT0
34Botlhodilwe, MoremiBOT0
35Cassie, GreenBOT0
36Ntikelang, MurriusBOT0
37Kalowe, MosheBOT0
38Bulayani, OfentseBOT0
39Badi, RichardBOT0
40Thatayaone, KatloBOT0
41Themba, WanguBOT0
42Boymasaka, GobuamangBOT0
43Muzila, BoagoBOT0
44Maswimbo, BoineeloBOT0
45Mmusi, LefaBOT0