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Eswatini Open 2024 U16

Last update 30.11.2024 14:29:55, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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Starting rank

1Lukhele, SemukeleSWZ1236
2Manomano, TawananyashaSWZ1182
3Da Silva, AyatMOZ0
4Dlamini, GcinizwiSWZ0
5Dlamini, LondizwiSWZ0
6Dlamini, YandzisaSWZ0
7Gule, KhayalethuSWZ0
8Makhanya, NzuzolenhleSWZ0
9Matola, FrancisSWZ0
10Matsebula, FezileSWZ0
11Mdluli, VuminhlanhlaSWZ0
12Mwale, TadalaSWZ0
13Nyamane, MphilwenhleSWZ0
14Shabangu, MelokuhleSWZ0