Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Only Karur District Players can particiapte in this Tournament
Under 8,10,12,15 (Boys & Girls Separate Category)
Boys 20 & Girls 20 Mega Trophies in each Category
All Players will get Certificates & Medals
All Under 6 Players will get Special Trophies
Contact Organizer : Manigandan R (9976789573)

02 FEB 2025👑SMART CHESS ACADEMY-5th Karur District Level CHILDREN CHESS Tmt @ 9.30am,U08,10,12,15. 160 Trophies,All Medals,Call:9976789573(Manigandan R)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.01.2025 13:00:32, Creator/Last Upload: Manigandan R

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1Ajay, T334722031411U12KDCA PaidSmart C A
2Akshaya, Keerthan T881143760U12KDCA PaidSmart C A
3Dhivya, Prabha B4290150900wF15KDCA PaidGovt Smart C A
4Emma Iniya Williams, R0wF08KDCA PaidSmart C A
5Mahil Mithiran, D0U08KDCA PaidSmart C A
6Mohammad Saahir, M0U08KDCA NEWEquitas Gurukul
7Mugundhan, V0U08KDCA PaidEquitas Gurukul
8Pavin Sarvesh, D0U10KDCA PaidSmart C A
9Surya, G334724320U15KDCA PaidSmart C A
10Viswakkiran, P S334847590U15KDCA PaidSmart C A