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The tournament is divided into Open section, Ladies section and junior section (U18). Exciting vouchers to be won in the Open and Ladies categories.
1.Ksh 20,000 (worth of voucher)
2. Ksh 15,000(worth of voucher)
3. Ksh 10,000 (worth of voucher)

ICC Chess Tournament - Under 6 and 8

Last update 30.11.2024 13:47:45, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Abigael, Wavinya MuthamaKEN0U08Premese Academy
2Allan, Mumo MusembiKEN0U08Premese Academy
3Anokh, Singh LotayKEN0U06Saminayan Academy
4Basil, Mutua MakauKEN0U08Premese Academy
5Bella Kigotho,KEN0wU08Diamond Junior School
6Dylan, MaunduKEN0U08Premese Academy
7Eddy, KiokoKEN0U08The Makueni School
8Elsa, NthambiKEN0U08Notredam School
9Ivan, Prince MutindaKEN0U08Sunrise School
10Justin, Laki MatataKEN0U08Riara Springs
11Kasaine Kiplagat Metto,KEN0U06All Innocents
12Lemaiyan Kiplagat Metto,KEN0U06All Innocents
13Leshan, Wanikina WatakaKEN0U06Braeside School
14Leticia Wanjiru,KEN0wU08Diamond Junior School
15Marcel Wamba,KEN0U06Ferry Chess
16Melki, OndiekiKEN0U08Mirema School
17Tarina, Mwende KikwauKEN0U08Premese Academy
18Tobit, MurimiKEN0U08St Bakhita School
19Trevor, Kipng'eno KiptuiKEN0U06Diamond Junior School
20Zawadi Benson,KEN0wU08Premese Academy