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The tournament is divided into Open section, Ladies section and junior section (U18). Exciting vouchers to be won in the Open and Ladies categories.
1.Ksh 20,000 (worth of voucher)
2. Ksh 15,000(worth of voucher)
3. Ksh 10,000 (worth of voucher)

ICC Chess Tournament - Under 10 and 12

Last update 30.11.2024 13:56:57, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Ahadi, MachariaKEN0U10Jabali Christian School
2Alison, Ndanu KyaloKEN0U10Premese Academy
3Aviah, Mutua MutindaKEN0U12Sunrise School
4Azariah Kanyi,KEN0U10CITAM Ngong School
5Christopher, AbuodhaKEN0U12Strathmore School
6Daisy, Mutheu MutukuKEN0wU10Premese Academy
7Earnest, Junior MutindaKEN0U12Sunrise School
8Ekam, Singh LotayKEN0U12Swamminaryan
9Ella Mutete,KEN0U10Notre Dame School
10Elly Mulei,KEN0U10Notre Dame School
11Esther Mbeky Zawadi,KEN0U10
12Ethan, MuliKEN0U12Nairobi Primary
13Fredrick, SingiKEN0
14Fredrick, SingiKEN0
15Gloria Mumo Mutuku,KEN0U10Premese Academy
16Jayden, KamauKEN0U12Premese Academy
17Jesse, TunjeKEN0U10Riara Springs
18Joel Nzioki,KEN0
19Joseph, MwanikiKEN0U12Mirema School
20Matthew, WaughKEN0U12Mavens Chess Club
21Michael, Kamundi Ndubai MugendiKEN0U10Royal Brains School
22Milan Ngui,KEN0U12Premese School
23Natasha, Nyambura GoiKEN0wU12Chess Safari Knights
24Nigel, Ngigi NjorogeKEN0U12Mavens Chess Club
25Ranatha, Shawana MusyokaKEN0U12Premese Academy
26Rexmorgan, MuuoKEN0U10Premese Academy
27Salma Mbuya,KEN0wU10Knights Chess Academy
28Teddy, Jason Ndung'uKEN0U12Premese Academy
29Wallace, MunyaoKEN0U12Tumaini Chess Club
30Wesley, Kithinji NyakundiKEN0U12Blessed Pavel School