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Kitale club Centenary- under 20

Last update 30.11.2024 15:35:19, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Abigael, MungerezaKEN0
2Isaac, WecheKEN0
3Karen, EleanorKEN0
4Keith, AndersonKEN0
5Kelsey, NekoyeKEN0
6Lual Deng,KEN0
7Reagan, BukamuKEN0
8Seth, NgeraKEN0
9Shalom, AsamiKEN0
10Shantelle , KilwakeKEN0
11Telsla, AchiengKEN0
12Troy, NamisikoKEN0
13Tyler Destiny,KEN0
14Victoria Mercy,KEN0