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Kitale club Centenary- under 12

Last update 30.11.2024 14:50:22, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Allysa Wangoi,KEN0
2Alvin, OirigaKEN0
3Belden, KinyanjuiKEN0
4Blessed, NelimaKEN0
5Grace, EleanorKEN0
6Kimbery Gumo,KEN0
7Sara, RerimoiKEN0
8Shaline, ImaniKEN0
9Stacy, ChegeKEN0
10Tawfiq, NamisikoKEN0
11Veronica, WamboiKEN0
12Whitney, ChebeniKEN0
13Zhuri, ImbuyeKEN0