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Campeonatos Estaduais Escolares RJ U08-18 2024 U18

Last update 30.11.2024 18:26:45, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank list

1Andre Felipe Serravalle Nahoum5128BRA1879U18Col PH Icarai [Nxn]
2Pedro Oliveira Da Silva4685BRA1593U18CE Pierre Plancher [Aflux]
3Diogo Ubirajara Correa Juca4975BRA1570U18Esc Eleva [Hscer]
4Matheus De Alencar Pacheco5129BRA1391U18Fórum Cultural [Nxn]
5Daniel Dos Santos Ferreira Portela5208BRA10U18Col Est S Cristovao [Aflux]
6Ester Silva Carvalho Leao0BRA10wU18Col Est S Cristovao [Aflux]
7Gustavo Baptista Martins5225BRA10U18CAP UERJ [Ffc]
8Rafaela Monteiro Da Silva0BRA10wU18Col Est S Cristovao [Aflux]
9Samuel Del Negri De Mattos4947BRA10U18Col Pedro II [Alex]
10Giovana De Oliveira Feitosa0BRA0wU18IFF Campus Marica
11Joao Gabriel Queiroz Amorim De Oliv0BRA0U18Inst Pio XI