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8º CIMEX U10 - Circuito Municipal Escolar de Xadrez 2024

Last update 30.11.2024 15:54:22, Creator/Last Upload: AlessandroCamporez

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Starting rank

1Lucas Moraes Palassi Vicente GomesCEEL
2Alice Maia Mares CamporezCEEL
3Henrique VolckmanCEEL
4João Pedro Pissarra
5Maria Paula Forechi MoreiraCEEL
6Clara Rebuzzi DeambroziCEEL
7Maria Eduarda Dias ButkeCEA
8Isabella Cristina da Silva FonsecaColibri
9Antonio Piol LopesCEEL
10Sara Dambroz
11Arthur Felix MachadoSESC
12Nicole Hemerly CaoCEA
13Cauã Mantovani SantosSESC
14Bianca Baliano LooseSESC
15Catherine Del Piero MantovaniSESC
16Gianna Jang ZenSESC
17Arthur Morelato
18Heitor Pratti BarcelosSESC
19Julia Soeiro Mendes
20Luiz Miguel Oliveira I. PauloSESC
21Penelope Loiola da Silva MeloCEA
22Stela Pereira Alves
23Theo Zamborlini Sossai