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Estatal Absoluto 2024 Primaria Baja

Last update 02.12.2024 01:06:12, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank list

1Bolanos, Ruiz LanderMEX1513Guanajuato
2Baca, Fraire RobertoMEX1482Queretaro
3Alvarez, Mancera Ana Paula29606730MEX1438Queretaro
4Drews, Lopez Velarde TobiasMEX1400Queretaro
5Carrera Quevedo, Ricardo Elias29684030MEX0Queretaro
6Estrada Ferrand, Dante DohkoMEX0Queretaro
7Lomas, Espinosa MaximilianoMEX0Queretaro
8Ugalde Diaz, SebastianMEX0Queretaro