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CIRCUITO XEQUE MATE 2024 - 4º ETAPA Comunidade

Last update 30.11.2024 20:25:37, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

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Starting rank list

1Lucas, Leonardi18582078
2Alexandre Xavier, Rodrigues17921815
3Augustus Dall'agnol Zottis Alv, Simoes16501894
4Jhone Cordeiro, De Cristo01946
5Diego Martins, Oliveira01905
6Rodrigo Mathias, Paifer'01867
7Gabriel, Maroso01859
8Eduardo Luiz, Da Conceicao01834
9Vinicius, Bazzaneze01825
10Gustavo Tenorio, Camara01800
11Virgilio Rios, Rodriguez01800
12Paulo Roberto De Oliveira, Freitas01781
13Amanda Pol, De Oliveira01774
14Larissa Ramos Mendes, Martins01732
15, Adriano Meger00
16, Jose Alberto Connell Mendez00