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2024 Warwickshire Junior Championship Under 8

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony01.12.2024 18:57:03, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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1Hu, Jason862Blue Coat Harborne
2Rackham, Ollie833Balsall Common
3Tricoli, Alex768Hallfield
4Mandair, Aariyan722Hallfield
5Tye, James696Hallfield
6Chopra, Shray661Hallfield
7Chen, Addison583Blue Coat Harborne
8Kabra, Aadit479Blue Coat Harborne
9Tarihalkar, Shrisha467Shrubland Street
10Senevirathna, Declan435Hallfield
11Rashid, Sufyan431Coten End
12Pilypas, Alex391Cheswick Green
13Garnsworthy, Riyaan384Grange Farm
14Perryman, John-Luke375Leigh Cofe
15Eedupuganti, Abhiram372Thomas Jolyffe Primary
16Rubakantha, Hugo297Hallfield
17Patel, Seth267Hallfield
18Leung, Jonathan100Hallfield
19Chen, Zinuo0Blue Coat Harborne
20Ghahari, Makan0Blue Coat Harborne
21Job, Eleisha0St Bernard’s
22Li, William0Blue Coat Harborne
23Munjal, Daanish0Blue Coat Harborne
24Neo, Olivia Kay0Blue Coat Harborne
25Okpo, Esther0Blue Coat Harborne
26To, Arthur Wai Hong0Hallfield
27Yap, Edward0Hallfield