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Kampionati i 47 Kombetar individual per femra 2024

Last update 04.12.2024 20:34:11, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

6WFMCaku, Kler4704703ALB2028Teuta
7WFMShuqja, Klean4701585ALB2025Tirana
1WCMShabanaj, Eglantina4700562ALB1954Teuta
3WCMOmeri, Eklea4703804ALB1889Butrinti
8Kerciku, Suzana4700783ALB1794Tirana
5Ndreko, Ailin4705807ALB1678Partizani
4Ramaj, Dea4705262ALB1578Teuta
9Hoxha, Fiona4707613ALB1458Tirana
2Babamusta, Esmeralda4707389ALB0Teuta
10Sherollari, Neolin4707907ALB0Tirana