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3. Schülerliga Turnier Kreis Nord Zwettl / Rodl U14

Last update 30.11.2024 16:34:54, Creator/Last Upload: Landesverband Oberösterreich Eloreferat

Starting rank list of players

5Stiefelbauer, Joachim1675818AUT1466Ask St. Valentin
1Danner, Simon1680870AUT1219Su Bad Leonfelden
2Lazar, Alexia Maria1697218AUT1200Ask St. Valentin
4Pumberger, Annika1681842AUT800Sc Ottensheim
3Mitter, KonradAUT0Su Bad Leonfelden
6Velychko, YaroslavAUT0Bad Zell / Unterweitersdorf