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Kampionati i 80 Kombetar Individual Finalet 2024

Last update 08.12.2024 15:44:53, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10IMAshiku, Franc4700066ALB2396Teuta
4IMPasko, Llambi4701178ALB2395Tirana
6IMMehmeti, Dritan4700600ALB2362Teuta
3FMXhembulla, Aleksander4705114ALB2334Partizani
9FMVeleshnja, Zino4701313ALB2283Butrinti
1CMZeneli, Klendi4706609ALB2249Partizani
5Boci, Mateo4704665ALB2176Teuta
2CMBregu, Riza4701739ALB2128Partizani
8Ramaj, Ergit4703669ALB2124Teuta
7Pasku, Sotir4700880ALB2012Tirana