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You should send the Under 08 drop board to 0771822260 by WhatsApp message or hand over to the section arbiter on or before 7.45am. The 4th round will be started at 8.00am.

13th Inter-International School’s Chess Tournament – 2024 Under 10 (2014/2015)

Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 01.12.2024 11:30:29, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: Marlon Fernando

Suche nach Team Suchen

Endstand nach 5 Runden

Rg.SnrTeamAnz  +   =   -  Wtg1  Wtg2  Wtg3 
11Lyceum International School Panadura A55001018,50
25Lyceum International School Nugegoda5401818,50
33Gateway College Colombo A54018180
410Lyceum International School Wattala A54018170
54Lyceum International School Rathnapura A53026170
66Horizon College International Malabe A5302615,50
718Leeds International School Panadura B5302615,50
82Lyceum International School Rathnapura B53026140
919Lyceum International School Panadura B5302613,50
107Asian International School A5302612,50
1120Lyceum International School Wattala B53026120
1221Royal Institute International School B5203413,50
138Gateway College Kandy52034130
149Leeds International School Panadura A5203412,50
1512Royal Institute International School A520349,50
1614Wycherley International School Gampaha A520349,50
1711OKI International School520349,50
1813Wycherley International School Colombo520348,50
1917Horizon College International Malabe B51042110
2016Gateway College Colombo B5104260
2115Asian International School B5104260
2222Wycherley International School Gampaha B5005040

Wtg1: Matchpunkte (2, 1, 0)
Wtg2: Spielepunkte der einzelnen Spieler dieser Mannschaft
Wtg3: Resultat(e) der betroffenen Teams gegeneinander nach Matchpunkten