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Plums Orchard Group Chess tournament

Last update 04.12.2024 12:27:33, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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Starting rank list

1Amara Elika, IsraelUGA0
2Andrew, Jonathan LuzigeUGA0
3Chloe, ArindaUGA0w
4Cole Jaylen, MwesigwaUGA0
5Daniel Benjamin, DumbaUGA0
6Eli, Jordan IsraelUGA0
7Elijah, KakamaUGA0
8Keron, Mbaine EloiUGA0
9Keza Kyla, BugingoUGA0w
10Paris Abigail, IsraelUGA0w
11Shiloh, NimurungiUGA0w
12Timothy, KakomaUGA0