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National Senior Chess Championships 2024 - Open 50 and 65

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony02.12.2024 00:33:06, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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1CMRamsingh, Yogendranath7700067TTO2135S50
2WCMGeofroy, Marilyn7700040TTO2005S65
3Lee, Hayden7700350TTO1869S50
4Ramadhar, Kishore7700091TTO1829S50
5Busch, Hans-Hinrich16242327GER1718S65
6Bowles, Andrew7700237TTO1708S65
7Primus, Prince7700725TTO1612S65
8Superville, Arthur7703236TTO1563S65
9Maynard, David7703716TTO1551S65