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Tíz város a Magyar sakkozásért Eger

III. Marshall Rapid Open

Last update 04.12.2024 19:48:39, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 9

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Starting rank list

1FMBecskei, Zoltan711330HUN2230
2FMVarga, Csaba Zoltan724335HUN2189
3Paal, Andras741078HUN2014
4Pap, Janos709263HUN2008S50
5Kovacs, Daniel706868HUN1992
6Malik, Andras724319HUN1968S65
7Szekeres, Sandor707813HUN1967S65
8Kiss, Jozsef716421HUN1917
9Andras, Imre778915HUN1907S65
10Berta, Istvan17031435HUN1892S50
11Gordos, Csaba Dr.760129HUN1890S50
12Kantor, Jozsef736627HUN1888S65
13Darvas, Jozsef17023459HUN1824U16
14Losonczy, Istvan731951HUN1766
15Szollosi, Balazs17014492HUN1757U14
16Nagy, Gábor764973HUN1724
17Pota, Lajos716758HUN1697S65
18Prepelita, Kevin Gabriel17013658HUN1650U16
19Prokaj, Dominik Denes17027489HUN1625U14
20Kovacs, Kolos Rego17024889HUN1587U14
21Kovacs, Rebeka Zsofia796611HUN1573U18
22Nagy, Anna Fruzsina17028825HUN1466U16