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Total Cash Prize Rs 3400 + 35 Trophies + 100 Medals.
All Players Will Be Given Medals.
Top 5 Players Will Be Given Cash Prize + Trophy
1st Prize 1000 +Trophy
2nd Prize 800 +Trophy
3rd Prize 600 +Trophy
4th Prize 500 +Trophy
5th Prize 500 +Trophy
Boys & Girls Separate Prizes U-7,9,11,13 & 15 1st,2nd & 3rd Trophies
Entry Fess:Rs.400/-
Contact :9491532651(Gpay & Phone Pay)

EXCELLENT CHESS ACADEMY PRESENTS 5TH JUNIORS U15 CHESS TOURNAMENT-2024 On Sunday 22nd December,2024 Mancherial Contact/Whatsapp:H.Mahesh 9491532651

Last update 29.11.2024 16:29:13, Creator/Last Upload: TELANGANA CHESS ACADEMY

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Starting rank list

1Boddu, Preetham Raj429071160IND0U13
2Maanvi, MatetiIND0w
3Sai Spoorthi, AnkamIND0w
4Saiprachyath, BaireyIND0
5Sangem, Abhay537016903IND0U09
6Sangem, Aryan537016938IND0U07
7Shourya Nandan, AnkamIND0
8Vaayu, RajIND0
9Venkata Saradhi Rao, MattapallyIND0
10Vignesh Varma, ChunchuIND0