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Last update 29.11.2024 14:07:47, Creator/Last Upload: Javier Flores Zamora

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Starting rank

1Alcantar Melgar, Ricardo LeonelMEX0Colegio Holandes
2Aviles Valdovinos, MateoMEX0Instituto Magno
3Carreno Hernandez, Matias LucianoMEX0Instituto Velez
4Chimal Balderas, DarinkaMEX0Instituto Velez
5Mejia Jimenez, CarlosMEX0Instituto Magno
6Molgora Rosales, PaoloMEX0Colegio Holandes
7Rodriguez Torres, Juan PabloMEX0Instituto Magno
8Sanchez Rangel, Alan FernandoMEX0Colegio Holandes
9Tovar Munoz, Dante JoseMEX0Instituto Magno
10Vazquez Coronilla, Mauricio DanielMEX0Instituto Magno